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Combination Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

Pure Environmental Solutions conducted a combined Phase I/Phase II Environmental Site Assessment of a machinery company located in Dallas, Texas for property acquisition purposes. The subject property was a heavy equipment rental facility which encompassed approximately 4.5 acres and was improved with a 28,000 square-foot building that included offices, storage areas, and warehouse/garages. Regulated materials used onsite included hydraulic fluid, grease, cutting oil, parts wash (solvents), gasoline, and diesel. These materials were, in some cases, contained in improperly labeled and/or unlabeled 55-gallon drums and/or open containers. There was evidence of staining in multiple areas around the facility. At least one leaking drum was observed on the property, and an open, makeshift parts-washing tub consisting of one-half of a 55-gallon steel drum cut lengthwise was observed containing solvents wash. This parts-washing station was an environmental concern due to the improper container and lack of labeling. 

The results of the assessment revealed evidence of the following recognized environmental conditions: improperly and/or unlabeled drums, improper storage of used automotive batteries, one or more leaking drums, significant surface staining as a result of spills and overfills of regulated petroleum substances, improper parts-washing station containing solvents, and one unknown soil stockpile.

For the Phase II portion of the investigation, a total of five soil borings were advanced on the subject property in areas of concern identified during the Phase I portion of the investigation. The soil analyses revealed petroleum hydrocarbons as well as various RCRA metals concentrations in the shallow subsurface primarily in areas of obvious staining or overfills. Based on the visual observations as well as the laboratory analyses, the shallow subsurface was impacted by used oil, hydraulic oil, and other petroleum products and were the result of poor material handling and housekeeping practices.

We recommended that the owner of the property report the results of the investigation to the TCEQ as soon as possible for further direction. Additionally, we recommended that the recognized environmental conditions identified in the Phase I portion of the investigation be corrected prior to our client acquiring the property.

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